CAP – Yemen continues to support the faith community through the war with food, water, medical, shelter, education, and emergency telecommunications projects. Meanwhile, members of the CAP – Yemen network receiving aid continue to have a spiritual impact on the community around them.

After receiving food aid, single men living in a safe house had a woman knock on their door asking for dates and water for herself and her children. Her husband had disappeared and she had no means to buy food or water for herself or her children. The believers living in the safe house were surprised that she came to their humble house, instead of one of the large homes of rich residents around them, including the home of a wealthy religious man, where the needy typically seek charity. The believers knew there was no way the woman could have known they had recently received food aid themselves.


“Surely this is from the Lord,” the men thought. “God has sent her to us for us to minister to her and her children.”

The men living in the safe house have continued providing food aid from their supply to this woman and her family. Additionally, the safe house was equipped with a solar panel and eight families from the neighborhood come to charge their cell phones and other devices there. They come to the house where the believers live, instead of going to the wealthy homes beside it that have generators or the home of the wealthy religious man from the majority faith.

“We feel that God draws the community around us to our house so that we can influence them,” the men stated.

إذا كان لديكم مشاركة (شعرية، أدبية، تشجيعية، صلاة، الخ) وتودون مشاركتها معنا فبإمكانكم ارسالها إلى البريد التالي

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God Draws the Community to Us