When the believers took trips to the sea to get baptized they took suitcases of Bibles with them and left the Bibles in different places along the way. Most practitioners agree that you have to sow the seed broadly and make the Word of God available, but it’s hard to develop good strategies for actually doing it in a context where it’s forbidden. This is one way it was done in our context and no one got in trouble.
It’s not possible to hold open-air evangelistic campaigns here, but there are other things that are possible. The believers used trips to the sea for baptism as an opportunity to distribute Bibles and follow up with media contacts. On one trip I think they left 100 New Testaments in different places along the way and followed up with a seeker that had contacted a media outlet from that area, too!
Journey with us on the way:
Pray for isolated believers to have courage and be active in sharing their faith so that new communities of believers emerge around them.
Pray that new believers will be baptized into healthy communities that support them and hold them accountable to sharing their faith with others.
إذا كان لديكم مشاركة (شعرية، أدبية، تشجيعية، صلاة، الخ) وتودون مشاركتها معنا فبإمكانكم ارسالها إلى البريد التالي